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Klorofil Enstitüsü girişimi Urmiyeکشاورزی/بیو تکنولوژی/تحقیقاتی

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Klorofil Enstitüsü girişimi Urmiyeکشاورزی/بیو تکنولوژی/تحقیقاتی

Cellular slime molds

Dyktyvstlyvm Dyskvyydvm (Dictyostelium discoideum) is the real Baslvl Molds formed fruit bodies will then become the spore fruit bodies are in starvation mode forming the slime mold plasmodium and gives false in this case produces cAMP and glycoprotein. The formation of fruit bodies and body are the fruit stem and head turns. Stem cellulose and produces spores in the head is formed and any spores, such as an amoeba cells are created. In this case, reproduced in this kind of slime mold, non-sexual. Sexual reproduction through the incorporation and formation of two amebic Makrvkyst done. Slime molds forming Plasmvdya The molds are formed Plasmodium. Diploid plasmodium is formed and Asklrvtya Aspvranzh will. Aspvranzhya of sexual reproduction is obtained and then divided Myvzaspvr forms. Binary division of spore formation in conditions conducive to cell amoeba-like reunification of the two amebic amebic like diploid cells is obtained, and these cells 20 Diploid Plasmvdydm are created. Sexual spore formation in unfavorable conditions, but some cells are not resistant to mold and can tolerate drought and favorable conditions to become Plasmodium. Protozoa Protozoa are eukaryotic cells that have no cell wall. They are mostly without pigment and moving. The cells of bacteria, yeasts and algae are detectable. Prvtvzva in sea water and are dry and some of them are parasites of animals. Soil Hartmanla, Tstasya, Mytvs, and Bdvsrkvbdv Ttramytvs be seen. Protozoa are fed through Pynvsytvz. Most protozoa are fed through phagocytosis. Protozoa in soil-eating bacteria to maintain biological balance. The protozoa are divided into different groups. (Table 4-1) Table 4-1. Main groups protozoa
Groups Name Sample Element Mastygvfvra Flazhlata Giardia Or by parasites of freshwater animals Aglyvtyd Visitors having its flagell photosynthesis Avglna Fresh water or sea Sarkvdyna Amebic Amebic Fresh water, soil, sea Sylyvpvra Cirrus owners Kvlpvda Fresh water, sea, soil Asprvzva Asprvzva Plasmodium Animal parasites and insects
A - Flagellates (Mastygvfvra) This Mykrvavrganysm by their flagella are moving and are mostly free living but some, like Trypanvzvm disease in humans and other animals are created. Some Flagellates in the dark they are Aglnvyydha Klrvplast lose your life, but most are Htrvtrvny aquatic pathogens are also of the Flagellates terricolous 21 Bdvsrkvbdv, Ttramytvs Mytvs and can be named. B - amebic (Sarkvdyna) These microorganisms with false legs move like Ntambahystvlytyka Knndv some noise and have bloody diarrhea disease in humans are created in the soil, but most are seen Mybhay scaly scaly like some Mybhay Fvramynyfvra Dryazy are. Tstasya and Hatmanla of terricolous Mybhay are scaly. Their calcium carbonate shells and shell not stick to the cells and when fed false legs out of the pores of the shell is. This type of amoeba to the high heat resistant and drought conditions. C - cilia owners (Sylyvfvra) These microorganisms are eligible eyelashes are usually two cores are fed through the mouth and digestive vacuole form. The obvious examples are Paramsy protozoa. The single-cell ciliated with many single-celled bacteria, including Syanvbaktryhay life is symbiotic. Paramsy prefer more aquatic environments but Kvlpvdyvm Kvlpvda ciliated terricolous that increased nitrogen fixation is due to ecological balance. Although cilia are aerobic saprophyte owners but some noise and some are also forced anaerobic. Ruminant digestive tract cilia in P. Anaerobic have an important role in fermenting. C - Aspvrvzva This parasitic microorganisms and animals are forced humans and do not produce spores. To transfer to new hosts to produce Aspvrvzvyyt. Among the protozoa, Plasmodium cause malaria and bird noise is Kvksydya. Viruses Virus particles in the soil as dead and disabled are in the soil biology of impact only on some organisms that are important. Biology of soil microorganisms that contaminant viruses called phage are called, because that may affect the control of microscopic soil organisms activity have 22 More important to find. Viral infections, since among all the protozoa microorganisms than is usually seen for each group to identify specific viruses, type the host microorganisms are added to the word phage (bacteriophage, Myvfazh, Syanvfazh) Some important soil bacteria such as viruses Fazhhay rhizobial, Azotobacter, Agrobacterium, Pseudomonas, etc. are Trvbaktr. This special Fazhhay of different soils and are specified separately. A bacteriophage specific to separate bacteria, lots of fresh bacterial culture to the desired soil sample and add the humidity and temperature conditions are appropriate to the specific bacteria Fazhhay be reproduced. Then a small amount of soil environment is wrestling with the host bacteria are added. Fine suspension or reduction of bacteria after a while the turbidity of about 24 to 48 hours There phage Atvvgzary sign for soil samples are tested with a passage in which case the solution to special filters that only viruses that are passable, bacteriophage-containing solution to the desired gain. Land that a few years continuously cultivated beans are always a lot of specific phage or Ryzvbyvfazh rhizobial are. While this type of phage is rare in most other fields and therefore it is thought that one of the important causes product loss and clover hay and the like, of successive cultures, rhizobial Fazhhay is increasing density that can contaminate the beneficial bacteria, allowing them to coexist with plants and thus nitrogen fixation performed by them to reduce the intensity. Of course, other factors such as toxins secreted by plant roots and pathogenic organisms or clones are involved in this case. Fazhha to environmental conditions such as soil acidity and temperature changes much more resistant than their host bacteria Hstndv so can expect good host, remain in soil for years. In general, the number of viruses as well as the severity and speed up their operation in the clay and humus soils much more than clay soils are light. So that the results of studies on soil Fazhhay show 23 Give the frequency of these organisms despite permanent host cells, never in large numbers, there are soil and soil plus types of bacteria in artificial culture medium, in the presence of specific phage isolated from the soil are quickly destroyed in natural conditions the soil contains a well-grown phage to the number found to be abundant. So that should be obvious obstacles in the way of rapid increase in soil Fazhhay exist, but since the intensity of the factors that act to prevent these organisms in the soil are not known. Antagonism (1) (Mnsalysm) (2) When organisms secrete toxins against other modes of communication are secreted antagonism occurs antibiotics Astrptvmystha Soil bacteria can cause crowd control. Lytyk Nyzbas viruses kill bacteria are going. Asydlaktyk produce ethanol or fatty acids to some bacteria producing bacteria inhibiting the growth of fatty acids are prevented. Mkhmrdrpvst are. Noise This relationship to a population of microorganisms also benefit other damage. The relationship between the two modes Aktvparazyt Vandvparazyt there. Fazhha Azrabth obvious example are the parasitic. Bdlvvybryv (3) Gram-negative bacteria is Nyzparazyt. Because these bacteria stick to the host membrane as Aktvparazyt known. Myksvbaktryha Nyzba secreted enzymes are sensitive Lyzmykrvarganysm cause. They can Vbaktryhar algae kill gram positive and negative take. Producer bacteria or fungi Slvlazvkytynaz plants are noise. Feral Microorganisms can not be very different lives between prey and parasitic modes were allowed. For example Bdlvvybryv hunting mode may further attract and digest mode Shkargfth hunter must usually be larger

24 ((1-Antagonism ,2-Amensalism ,3-Bdellovibrio)) Azshkarbashd while small viruses are parasites that prey bacteria by protozoa Baktryhahstnd But the hunting mode creates. Between microorganisms and animals Although there microorganisms is useful for many organisms and insects and in most cattle main digestion and microorganisms are themselves as food for many creatures are a parasitic mode but also can have different creatures to create disease. Gastrointestinal microorganisms in cattle not only digestion but are vitamins and other materials needed to produce the animal. Microorganisms not only the fiber are digested, but other materials such as starch to convert to energetic materials. Ants on the leaves, leaf mold needed to prepare the nest of any particular species of ant fungus selected items that leaf decomposition mechanism of action is still unknown. Ata only one type of ant fungus for pure cultures are selected and it will kill the leaves Jvydh. Terrestrial beetles and ants certain organs to carry spores are considered to be limb Tanjya age (1) is called the cockroach leg is on earth and in the ant leaves the Drarvarh is located. Mushrooms, Argstrvl, vitamins and protein material for growth of the beetle is ready instead of cockroaches, sawdust and fecal material in the proper humidity and gives Akhtyarqarch. Termites also have symbiotic fungi. Without these fungi can live termites in the wood are not. Because wood is free of these insects nitrogen source bacteria of nitrogen stabilizers are also coexist. Microorganisms in the human gastrointestinal tract, including vitamin k vitamins needed to produce an important factor to prevent the growth of pathogens are. Astvzhnha Mtanvzhnha and the GI mode Kvmnsalysm insects such as lice are some of the microorganisms and their products for growth and reproduction require. In gastrointestinal

25 ((1 - Mycentangia)) Many ruminant microorganisms are involved in digestion. Most anaerobic microorganisms from 5 / 5 pH 7 to be able to grow in the ruminant gastrointestinal tract exist. Most of the bacteria in the digestive system in ruminants have come Table 5-1. In addition to bacteria, ciliated Prvtvzvay Vbzy Flagellates of the Persian month Dey Like Dyplv Sarkvdyna Neumann and ruminant digestive system also exist. Some protozoa of the cellulose and starch and some other bacteria are fed.
Table 5-1. Energy source and the product obtained from fermentation by bacteria in ruminants
Bacteria * Energy Source Products ** 1 - Baktrvyydz Svksynvzhnz
C \ S \ G
A \ S 2 - Baktrvyydz Mylvfylvs S A \ S \ F 3 - Baktrvyydz Rvmynvkvla S \ X \ G A \ S \ F 4 - ounces Rvmynvkvkvs Flavvfasy C \ X \ G A \ S \ F \ H 5 - succinate Vibrio Dkstrynvsalvns G A \ S 6 - Svskyny Vybryvamykvlata S \ G S 7 - Rvmynvkvkvs Albus C \ X \ G A \ F \ H \ E 8 - Bvtyrvvybryv Rvmynantvm C \ S \ X \ G F \ B \ L 9 - Slvlvmvnas Rvmynantvm
S \ GL \ Y AP \ L 10 - Vylvnla Alkalsns L A \ P \ H 11 - Streptococcus Bvys S \ G L 12 - B. Laktv Vytvlynvs G L 13 - Mtanvbaktryvm Rvmynantvm H2 + CO2 \ F M 14 - Yvbaktryvm Rvmynantvm X \ G F \ B \ L

* Energy Source: Gzylan = X = S starch cellulose form = F = C Glysyrvl = Y = L glucose, lactate = G ** Products: acetate = A = S Fvrma Svksyna d d = F Hydrogen, ethanol = H = E = B butyrate Prvpyvna d = P 26 Relationship mollusks and microorganisms photosynthesis visitors Some single-celled algae and bacteria Syanv Andvzyyk called Alg. Algae to soft tones of amino acids, fatty acids and sterols to produce oxygen and carbon dioxide and urea animal control algae in leaves. Sometimes cooperation Nymf Avglna and more in winter In the summer, but each individually grow. Relationship mollusks and microorganisms Lytvtrvf Some mollusks have Atvtrvf live bacteria are symbiotic with tube worms, for example Ryftya Atvtrvf bacteria coexist with the worm has no mouth and digestive tract, but Trvfvzvm eligible organ is called. CO2, O2, SH2 absorbed through the gills and looks Trvfvzvm. Atvtrvf bacteria in Trvfvzvm 2SH, 2 CO to produce and organic and materials available to give to mollusks. Although bacteria can not grow Atvtrvf be identified through DNA, but their existence has been proved. Coexistence of fungi and insects pedunculate Some insects for reproduction are dependent on the fungus. Mushroom Sptv basidium ((Septobasidium the larvae of some insects Hyf forms and prevents the loss of it by the insect prey others. Moreover, the gender of this insect also Tasyrmy leaves. Eggs insects with this fungus symbiosis may matter and Tkhmhayy without these fungi will be male. coexistence mechanism for this type of sex determination is unknown. Some bacteria have a symbiotic marine aquaculture Lvsyfryn are also causing the production of light for the light they are serving to move the legs and fish bright fish help will. Instead, the light producing bacteria on a suitable place to find these fish. Microbes and bio-cycle - geochemical Perhaps the most important role of soil microbes in their company _ bio geo chemical cycles that the circulation of some chemical elements in nature and help make them usable, such as: carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus, in 27
If, for circulating microbial activity elements in nature do Was not necessary to use elements eventually come and life would stop. (Source 1, 2 and 7) Carbon Cycle All organic compounds with carbon cycle. Much of the inorganic carbon for the synthesis of organic compounds are used in atmospheric carbon dioxide will be provided. The amount of carbon is dissolved in water. The first step in the carbon cycle carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis by cyanobacteria such Ftvatvtrvfhayy, green plants, algae and green sulfur bacteria are purple. Carbon dioxide into organic compounds by Ftvatvtrvfha comes on. Then Shymyv Atvtrvfha use organic compounds to give meaning Fvtvatvtrvfha animals, especially green plants and other animals to eat this way Gvardh organic compounds, and once again be made. In this way the primary carbon atoms of carbon dioxide from other living organisms to spread. Some organic molecules by heterotrophic Shymyv including animals as are used for energy. In the process of breathing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will be released and carbon dioxide rapidly into another cycle will be. However, the bulk of carbon in the body of organisms remains as waste disposal or after their death are abandoned in nature. Death of organisms in the soil into organic compounds by microbes, particularly bacteria and fungi break down and will result and thereby organic compounds decomposed to simpler substances and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere returns. Although carbon dioxide atmosphere only 03 / 0 per cent gas makes up the atmosphere but the same amount of living matter is essential for the synthesis. Carbon in rocks such as limestone and water is stored in the oceans as carbonate ions are solved in organic as well as coal and oil is accumulated. Fossil fuel burning of such material causing release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is. Nitrogen Cycle All organisms for the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids and other compounds

28 Having N, N need to. Molecular nitrogen atmosphere contains 80 percent are gases and the atmosphere above the soil per acre more than 30 tons is nitrogen. Nonetheless, despite the abundance of this gas can not any of the organisms that eukaryotes use. This should be with other elements such as nitrogen hydrogen and oxygen is stabilized, the resulting compounds including nitrate and ammonium ions by organisms are used. Physical and chemical forces in the soil, water and air act with certain microbes activities become important factors in usable forms of nitrogen are considered. All the available soil nitrogen to organic molecules, especially proteins are. When organisms die, their bodies break down to cause hydrolysis of proteins are amino acids and amino acid groups in the process of making ammonia is released. Making ammonia by bacteria and fungi aerobic and anaerobic done. * ** → → protein amino acids ammonia dead cells * Making ammonia by microbes microbial breakdown **
Proteolytic enzymes outside the cell growth of microbes frees the ease of use of chemicals helps. The fate of ammonia depends on soil conditions. Such as ammonia gas may quickly be out of dry soils wet soils, but dissolved in water and forms ammonium ions. - + NH3 + H2O → NH4OH → NH4 + OH Ammonium ion by amino Drsntzasydhay Baktryhavgyahan to be employed. Drchrkhh N series Other reactions occur, including oxidation of ammonium to nitrate ions during the process of dandruff Rate (Nitrification) is. Two types of soil bacteria called Nytrvzvmvnas (Nitrosomonas) and nitro H. (Nitrobacter ) Drdvmrhlh straight ammonia are oxidized to nitrate. - * - ** + NH4 → NO2 → NO3 Ammonium nitrate, nitrite ion 29 * H. ** Nitro Nytrvzvmvnas Nitrates form usable nitrogen for plants and plants in the N protein synthesis are employed. In different parts of the cycle, atmospheric nitrogen into or out of it is. Nitrogen Cycle out of the process of taking dandruff (Deniritication) is performed during which the nitrate to nitrogen gas becomes. - - NO3 → NO2 → N2O → N2 Nitrate, nitrite nitrogen gas nitrous oxide The most important species of Pseudomonas bacteria in the soil are considered to capture dander. A number of other types, including Parakvkvs (Paracoccus), Thiobacillus species are also able to do imaging dandruff. Owner dandruff bacteria are aerobic, but under anaerobic conditions instead of oxygen, nitrate can be as a final electron acceptor operate (anaerobic respiration). Hence the process of taking dandruff often filled with water, soils that are devoid of oxygen is more active. Owner like dandruff bacteria release nitrogen in the atmosphere created and nitrates from the soil are therefore, in terms of soil fertility is undesirable in this process. The final stage of the cycle of nitrogen to ammonia nitrogen into nitrogen fixation is under process. Only some of the bacteria and cyanobacteria are able to do this are. Nitrogenase enzyme affecting nitrogen fixation probably in the early Earth before the emergence of Joe has been of oxygen and nitrogen compounds having organic resources to be available there is. Nitrogen fixation by two types of germs and the non-time Zi Zi is done. Non-time stamped bacteria that are independent living, especially in rhizospher pastures are found in plants such as Azotobacter. Apparently, these bacteria consume oxygen, which quickly penetrate the cell it minimizes maintain nitrogenase enzyme. Aerobic bacteria, other non-time stamped forced the atmospheric nitrogen is fixed Bayrnkya (Beijerinckia) is called. Some anaerobic bacteria such as atmospheric nitrogen Klastrydyvm also prove to. Usually Drsyanvbaktrha nitrogenase enzyme within cells known as dedicated heterocystous (Heterocyst) and these cells are

30 Completely anaerobic conditions for nitrogen fixation are having. Despite these particular microbes in the soil like water-filled rice paddies are important. One of anaerobic microbes fixative concentration of nitrogen is Klastrydyvm Pastvryanvm. Zi also other non-stabilization bacteria including nitrogen species anaerobic Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Bacillus and Ftvatvtrvfhayy like Rvdvaspyrylvm (a) and Klrvbyvm (2) are. Most non-time stamped microbes capable of fixative under N laboratory however, large amounts of nitrogen fixation in the soil environment, the amount of carbohydrates that provide energy to restore nitrogen to ammonia and insert it in the building of proteins is needed is low and hence Nitrogen fixation is done slowly. However, bacteria in the nitrogen economy areas such as pastures, forests, and polar Tvndarhay role are responsible. The bacteria Zi (The Sweetheart) N fixative even more important role in plant growth and crop production are playing. In both the biological relationship belonging to two different species live together and benefit each other is. Such a relationship in rhizobial species with root plants such as beans Family license Asa, wax bean, peas, peanuts, alfalfa and clover are described. Agriculturally important plants from just a few examples of thousands of species of butterflies are ASA or shrubs to plant in poor soils of many regions of the world are grown. Rhizobial bacteria with certain species of plants have a symbiotic life Asa License. The roots of host plants to bacteria is usually lethal in the area are connected cords. The deadly tar contamination with bacteria, resulting root swelling caused pollution that led to the emergence of the field and become blurry past and into the deadly roots are. Bacterial contamination following field and enter the root cells are. Within the cells changed their shape to form a more coarse with Baktrvyyd in plant cells that eventually come to fill. Contamination of root cells and stimulated tumor nodes, such as ink-filled cells Baktrvyyd forms. When the atmospheric nitrogen between plants and symbiotic bacteria can be stabilized. Plant
31 ((1 - Rhodospirillum, 2-Chlorobium)) Anaerobic conditions and food prepared to provide the necessary bacteria and bacteria affects atmospheric nitrogen is fixed nitrogen in the building later this protein can be entered. Million tons per year of atmospheric nitrogen in the soil this way is entered. Other examples of nitrogen fixing symbiosis with the way other families in plants are birch. These trees are the first plants after fire or freezing in the forest grow. Birch Ktynvmyst time stamped by the name Frankya (a) infected and on its root node is composed of nitrogen fixative. Birch can develop in about 50 kg N acre established and thus helped the forest economy. Lichen nitrogen economy also helps in the forest. Biological time between a fungus and algae, lichens with cyanobacteria it creates. Fellowship is one of cyanobacteria when atmospheric nitrogen fixation and nitrogen-rich soil of the forest is. Cyanobacteria can be a lot of nitrogen in soils of desert areas for living well in shallow soils should stabilize polar Tvndarhay. Oriental rice paddies in countries where biomass growth can be a host of microbes are nitrogen stabilizer. The cyanobacteria are able with a small floating fern called Azolla (2), which amply in the rice paddies are grown in water level over the life time of biological formations. These microbes atmospheric nitrogen fixation to the extent that significant need to add nitrogen fertilizer to rice is rice. Other geo-chemical cycles of bio-__ Microbes also circulating other elements are involved in natural cycles (eg sulfur). In addition, modified microbes become much potassium, iron, manganese, mercury, selenium, zinc and other minerals are created. Types of chemical reactions in this cycle is often usable elements for plant nutrition (the solution) and their metabolism is required. (Source 1, 2 and 7)
1-Frankia 2-Azolla 32
Break down pesticides and other chemicals dummy Soil microbes play an important role in decomposition in soil materials that are entered are responsible. Natural organic matter such as leaves, trees, animals remains easy to break. Nonetheless, the current industrial age, many chemicals such as agricultural pesticides, plastics in large quantities in the soil is entered. Many of these chemicals produced fabricated against the action of microbes are resistant to decomposition. The most famous example de pesticides. De. Is d.. The first time when pesticides were applied to good results as demonstrated with the use of insecticide once the long-term stays, but soon found that these chemicals due to be dissolved in fat in certain areas of the food chain is dense. Eagles and other birds of prey eater feeding contaminated food de. De. D jamming in their tissues and thus find their reproductive disorders (soft shell eggs to find and will not produce chicks.) All chemicals such as bogus. De. D are stable. Some of these materials and the chemical bonds of smaller units by bacterial enzymes break, but made small changes in chemical structure as they could bring in atomic materials. Two examples are herbicide Two - Four - D (grass herbicide) and two - four - five d (shrubs cache) is. Increasing a chlorine atom to the building of two - four - D for prolonging the life of this matter in the soil indefinitely until a few days is enough. (Source 5 and 1) Break down toxins in the soil The most important processes responsible for soil degradation Frvsayy toxins break down into three groups of light (Photodecomfosition), decay or corruption completely chemical and microbial Frvsayy can be divided into the same way, a process which the role of toxins in the soil are in ruin. Each of these mechanisms may act alone, but decay and corruption that occurs in the soil at least two mechanisms function of these three processes that occur simultaneously joins. Analysis of microbial toxins, the activity for microorganisms in the soil and the many factors that affect their activities on pesticide decay and ruin 33 Is dominant in the soil. These include temperature, moisture and organic substances suitable. Soil microbes, toxins that have an organic origin as Bnkhan energy for biological processes are employed and thus poisons in nature, they make changes. Because the ability of microorganisms to break down toxins and corruption slowly created and grows, so in cases where toxins for the first time are added to the soil, the microbes were unable to handle the tough these compounds and if high concentrations of toxins may not be gradual decay processes With corruption and microbes adapt to the new compounds, started and continues. Obviously, because molecules absorb toxins can be cell microbes, must be a solution. De. De. D (DDT) is one of the toxins of pollution, is considered abundant. This toxin, like other chlorinated pesticides, and highly resistant to decomposition in the soil leads to DDD which is also resistant. Both material can be stored in fats and nutritional point of animal products, are harmful. Aldrin is also the same fate in the soil, because the oxide is converted to the Dyldryn that has the same toxicity. DDT and DDD decomposition in anaerobic conditions was very fast and usually after just a few months to two percent of the remains, if aerobic conditions, over 70 percent of DDT after six months remained the same initial and only four percent of the DDD has become. Immersion soil so you can make and break down quickly become de. De. D in the soil increases and pollution will inhibit it. About 26 species of microbial decomposition and the ability to convert DDT have DDD. Some of the features de. De. D in predicting the behavior of ecosystems is important. For example, high solubility de. De. D in fats and poor solubility in water, causing the poison in lipids and therefore will the accumulation of plants and animals. On the other hand it remains very stable and its half-life of about twenty years. Its vapor pressure was high enough to be directly into the atmosphere. So water, soil, air and living world, all suitable for the accumulation tank de. De. Is d.. 34 D intake. De. D beginning in 1970, has been banned in many countries and, despite what de. De. D is found in living organisms, from 3 percent of annual production does not exceed this amount, but non-negligible losses compensation to poultry, fish and humans created and compiled the resulting damage has been reported worldwide. (Source 7 and 5 and 1)
Researcher: Mary New Year and Mohammad Tvghdry

Instructor: Mr doctor Mehrzad advisors
Sources and References 1 - Soil Microbiology (doctor firmly points: Associate Professor of Biology, Isfahan University) 2 - General Microbiology (for students in microbiology, biology, medicine and related fields) Compilation doctor Fereydoon Malekzadeh - Manouchehr courage doctor  


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